am struggling through layers of memory to try and figure out when and why I
came to the conclusion that I may not be creative enough. It is not that I lack
creative qualities; it is just that for years I have been under the impression that
I lack the creative spark. The unhappy product of perfectionism I guess, and a state
of mind that browbeats you into doing everything perfectly or backing out
entirely. This has made me forgo any artistic or imaginative endeavors, choosing
instead the role of professional corporate advisor; supporting the decision makers
rather than being personally involved in creation, innovation or leadership. I cannot
seem to recall that incident or moment which provided the basis for my years of
dissatisfaction. And although I have always tried to use creative thinking in
my work, I constantly have this feeling
that it is no more than a transposition or duplication of the same things over
and over again, leaving little or no freedom for innovative or authentically
productive results. For someone who practices law or works in finance or investment,
for example, using inventive or resourceful solutions or being able to offer
the right advice to a client can be regarded as implementation of creativity,
but even they will agree that personal interpretation, emotions or individual
reflections are stumbling blocks with no added value, which even, at times, cause
harm. While looking for other means of self-expression, I attended painting
courses and decorated my home with large colorful paintings. I resolutely taught
myself to cook and have occasionally taken pleasure in the contentment of
friends and family I have hosted. I built and decorated a house, danced for a
while, and was fortunate to become a mother.
a mother created a big black hole of 12 years in which all my creative desires were
channeled into raising three daughters of whom I am very proud. I must admit that
when you throw yourself into raising kids, there is no lack of creativity. However,
for me, what is lacking when raising kids is intellectual thinking, and, most
disturbingly, as mothers we start obscuring the search for self-esteem: instead
of basing it on our individual achievements, we appreciate the respect of
others for our kids' performance as if they were in fact our own. As soon as
you recognize that it is your own—and no one else’s—accomplishments that will
bring you to rest, only then can you start searching for the place that has led
me to this journey.
"You can never really live anyone
else's life, not even your child's. The influence you exert is through your own
life, and what you've become yourself." Eleanor Roosevelt
years I was suffocating, I could hardly finding the air to breathe, filled with
aches and pains, all the result of my unspoken self. I was a victim of my
fears, a prisoner in a cage I had built by myself; a cage that was ruled by my education
and the customs and habits I was raised on. Facing your problems and looking
around to find other ways to live your life is not so difficult; it is the ability
to change your long-standing behavior that is the problem. No mirror or good advice
can alter that; only hard work, honesty, and the willingness to take chances
and fight for yourself can drive that transformation. The first step is maybe
the hardest, filled with doubts and disbelief. For me, it was breaking it down
to achievable, easy-to-see goals, Little by Little Tiny Steps, that
made the change feasible.
sometimes, it is just a different perspective that changes your awareness. While
looking to restore more creativity to my life, I started thinking about what
art really means to me. Does it introduce something new? Is it originality? Is
it the outcome of imagination? Is it derived from a conflict of ideas or a
place of unease? Is it something shocking? Does it in fact require having a
creative spark? It seems as if everything has already been done and yet, I still
get excited from visiting galleries and museums, concerts, shows and lectures.
A creative spark, I now realize, is no more than the combination of the two things which I see as art:
- The ability to introduce a new interpretation, a reflection of the curator's soul and existence, one that is unique since it came from that particular mind which was honest enough—consciously or subconsciously—to mirror their inner voice in their art. As the soul of each artist is so distinct from the other, and artists today are born into a reality so unlike the past, the products of their creativity have, by definition, to be different. However, this doesn’t mean that we cannot appreciate an authentic piece of art regardless of when it was created; and
- The way in which a piece of art touches another’s soul: how each individual finds resemblance, recognizing their reflection and identity, and how they interpret this based on their personality or chemistry, or in other subconscious ways. This is what I, the observer, see in what you, the artist, wanted to say.
Cultural Traffic by Teddy Crin in the Maxxi,
That said, one does not have to be an artist to live a creative life. It is the consolidation of these two elements in any way possible that may inspire a productive and fulfilling life. It can be reflected in innovation, writing, cooking, designing, helping others or researching; in any and every aspect of our lives. That is what I believe leads to contentment, satisfaction and self-actualization.
a moment of epiphany, I realized that being involved in a creative process is
like existing in two
parallel dimensions, the physical and earthly, and the spiritual, whereby you
are floating within your imagination and the stories you build in your head. It
is the dream of the innovator who connects the seemingly impossible with the possible by linking the two dimensions and making their paths cross.
I allow myself to let go of the doubts and concentrate on creating Avennyou, I
feel so content and fulfilled. Creative life is not necessarily easy. It requires
a lot of self-discipline, self-observation, and heightened awareness. It
requires you to listen carefully to the voices inside you and, at the same
time, be conscious of the many things happening around you. It requires a willingness
to work hard and be honest. The results, however, are indescribably rewarding:
is contagious, pass it on." Albert Einstein
I hope that I have aroused your curiosity to start looking for the creative instinct within you and
for what inspires you to be curious, and to investigate and search without
compromise to ensure the transformation of your findings into actions.
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